Saturday 17 May 2014

Dark Room Meditation- Stress Reducing way

                         Silent Meditation

Darkroom meditation is a unique way to reduce to stress of our daily life. I have done it and got good result. Some of my friends told me that the name is something confusing. I replied them that the name may be confusing, but result is very splendid.

How to practice this darkroom meditation? Before explain this type of meditation, I would like to that stress is common to our life and such stress is different of meaning for different of people.

Some pranayama is necessary before starting this darkroom meditation. Sab-asana is very common practice of pranayama. Firstly, sit on long mats and then slowly lay down on the mat. Put your hands at the both sides of the body. Take long breath 1,2,3..10. Then fold your rights leg by your two hands and try to bring your leg near up to your chest 1,2,3…10; this way left leg as vice versa.

Secondly, sit on the mat like Buddha-asana. Take breath 1,2,3…10 . Now fold your rights leg by your rights hand at right sides and try to turn your body towards opposite direction1,2,3…10 and this way your left leg vice versa.

Thirdly, stand on the mat. Hold your waist by your two hands strongly and slowly turn your upper portion of the body of the back 1,2,3…10 . This way up your hands like namaskar poses and thus  tried slowly to fold your upper body of the front and try to touch toes of your legs.

Fourthly, stand a straight. Hold your waist at right sides and try to turn your upper body at right side1,2,3…10 ; thus left side vice versa.

Fifthly, rotate your body of right to leave 1,2,3…10 and thus left to right vice versa .

Sixthly , rotate your solder from right to leave as circle rounded 1,2,3…10 and thus left to right vice versa; in such case, chin should touch the collar-bone.

Here I would like to say that, if anyone has physical disability, please does not practice these pranayama without the advice and guidance of the doctor and trained yoga practitioner. This is kind of pranayama poses is requiring to make body flexible before starting darkroom meditation.

Now the same question is arising, how to practice darkroom meditation ? This is very simple process of meditation. The time of practice of such meditation is starting night; after coming back from office, when body of us full of stress of the whole day.

The room may be medium size and preferably vacant or very few furniture. It means most of the place of the room will be free and airy. One little , soft blue colour light is allowable in the room which will create light and dark atmosphere of the room.

Some people like to take a bath before practicing yoga and meditation . Ok , no problem , you can do it . After starting meditation , above mentioned pranayama poses will be done to make the body flexible.

Thereafter, start practicing darkroom meditation . Sit like Buddha Sana. Put your hands on your knees facing palms open. Look straight at the soft light and take long breath 1,2,3…10 ; thus slowly try to collect your mind which is shattered into various pieces and make the same is one mind. Thus concentrate your mind up to your forehead with the "OM" mantra; stretches this two words, o…m…., this way. Try to forget your surroundings, try to forget your present , forget your past, future…..; only put your mind at the space where is having nothing but dark…dark and dark. Try to put yourself at this condition a long time and try slowly to increase the time of staying in such condition by day to day practice of such yoga and meditation ; but one thing remember, always take normal breath during such position.

This kind of yoga and meditation will help you to reduce stress of the daily life. 

Saturday 3 May 2014

Yoga-Meditation= Stress Relief Part-III

Pose of Hatha Yoga

Mastak Sanchalan- This is head exercise with other individual parts of the body movement, like neck, ear, head etc. this exercise is very helpful to prevent Spondylitis. Sit on the ground folding keens, called Babu Asana. Now keep your two hands on the waist and rise up your solder and touch the lower portion of ears, breathing normal, 1.2. Like this 1 to 10 count and back to relaxed mood. This way 5 times practice this; in earlier stage, it may not be easy to touch ears, but long practice, it is easy. After that, again hold your waist by your two hand strongly, rise up the upper portion of your arms, now start to move your head first clockwise 5 time and anti-clockwise 5 times, then stop.

Anti-clockwise body movement- this is one kind of asana. Here is also sitting is normal. Hold your left keen with your right hand and move the upper portion of the body at the right and count 1 to 10 and stop; again hold right keen with left hand and move the upper portion of the body at the left and count 1 to 10 and stop. This way practice 5 minutes. This exercise is very helpful for the flexibility of the spine.

Now again lie down, and hold your waist strongly with your two hands and gradually try to rise up your legs from waist and count 1 to 10 and stop and lay down and take full breath. This way 5 times practice. In the beginning, legs rom waist will not rise much, but regular practice, it will be easy to lift. Now, fold your right leg from keen with hold your right leg with two hands and try to bring the folded leg up to your belly, count 1 to 10 and then stop, take full breath and again fold your left leg from keen with hold your right leg with two hands and try to bring the folded leg up to your belly, count 1 to 10 and then stop, take full breath; this way practice 5 times a day. This is helpful for easy movement of waist.

Now, you again stand up on the ground.  Lose your hand from the solder and try to move it clockwise 5 time and anti-clockwise another 5 times and this applicable for next arm also. Now you hold strongly your waist by your two hands and move your waist clockwise 5 times and anti-clockwise 5 times. but one thing will remember that, all this yoga practice is applicable for fit persons only; if anyone has physical unfitness, then don’t practice all these without doctors’ permission.

As I said earlier that meditation and yoga both are inter-related. Modern Yoga is called Power Yoga which only helps to build a muscular body. But in earlier concept, yoga build strong body (not muscular body) and meditation build strong and controlled mind. Thus these two thinks make a perfect human being.

 ArunUdaya- Meditation is very helpful to reduce stress. How is this meditation? In the early, when sun is rising, the entire atmosphere is look very pleasant, calm and quiet. This is the right time for such meditation. Sit in an open place, that may be the roof of the house or any other place where nature and the person can be linked. Sit on soft grass is very much effective for this asana. Fold your legs from knee and keep the hips on the heels. Sit straight keep the spine straight. Keep both hands on the folded keens; the entire body load will carry toes of both feet. Look straight and face will be something up; then, the brightness of sun is little bit soft than other time of the day. Concentrate your mind, close eyes and try to focus on your forehead.

Gradually, take long breath and try to spread the same to every corner of your body and hold the breath for a moment and thereafter release the breath up to your stomach level.

Yoga-Meditation= Stress Relief Part-II

Pose of Hatha Yoga

This way do few times and gradually your mind will reach to a pleasant level constant happiness forgetting your stress. Stay few minutes at that heavenly moment and try to collect huge energy from there and spread the same to every parts of your body. You feel that the heavenly moment has been waving in your body; stay few minutes at that condition and when you feel stress-free, you come back to present. Take full breath another few minutes and release the same. The process is complete, now you can get back your routine work with full of joy.

ArunUdaya; Arun= Sun and Udaya=Rise; Sunrise. It means, darkness of night is becoming fade and the East Sky is becoming bright by sunlight. There is no sound, only few night-awaken birds are flying back to their nest by giving whiles. Cool and pleasant wind is blowing, a heavenly atmosphere.
This is the perfect time for practicing ArunUdaya-Yoga and Meditation.

Perfect place of practice of this yoga is a lonely open place where nature and the yoga practitioner can be mixed to each other. This ArunUdaya-Yoga practice is very simple; sit on ground. Fold right leg from knee and the feet will be on the lap of left and left feet on the right lap. Back will be straight. Spine will be straight. Hands keep on the belly and at the center of both lunges; keep open palm of right hand on the open palm of the left palm, like a yogi pose. Sitting is accurate, now take long breath as much your lunges permitted and hold it few seconds and release. This pose will continue 5 minutes.

 After that, lie down straight on the flat place; hands keep straight, legs keep straight, take full breath and release, this way another 5 minutes. Thereafter, turn your body and keep chest on the ground, put your both hands on the ground like paws and try to lift your body up to your waist looking forward and count 1..2..3..up to..10 and then stop. Lie down on chest and full breath and relaxed. Again do the same and this way 5 times.

Thereafter, hold your legs with your hands from back side and thus count 1...2...3...up to 10 and release legs and take full breath. Now you lie down straight and fold your keens and bring your two legs near to your hip; now try to lift your waist to solder…hands position will straight with ground, head will lay on the ground and count 1..2..3.. Up to 10 and come to relax position and take full breath, 5 times will have to do this way. Thereafter, fold one leg from keen and hold the same by you two hands and try to touch chest and count 1 to 10, this way practice 5 times of each leg.

Brikshasana-Yoga; after completing ArunUdaya-Yoga, start Brikshasana-Yoga. Stand with folded hands looking at east where first sun light is going to start its day; then sun light is generally be soft than the other time of the day. Stand on one leg, next leg will touch the knee of the other leg, hands up with fold. Look straight and count 1 to 10; change the position vice versa.

Sakha-asana; tree has many branches. Now up your two hands straight covering your ears and bend the upper portion of the body first right side and count 1 to 10 and the change the direction to left side and count 1 to 10; this way 5 time to be continued. Now hold your waist with your to hand strongly and try to bent you upper portion of the body as much as you can bend to back, but don.t  try to do hard, that is not permissible. Now up your hands touching your ears and slowly try to bow; in this pose, try to touch the toes of your feet. It is not easy to do within one day; it is possible by long practice.

Yoga-Meditation= Stress Relief Part-I

Poses of Hatha Yoga 

Today’s human life is stress-full life. It will be better if I would say that stress is the part of our life. Stress is a common word, it means, mental pressure, strain, anxiety, constant worry, tension, etc. the definition of stress is not same for all; different person different stress.  Students are worried about their education, better result, better preparation; better result leads their future life better. Thus business-stress for a businessman is different. Stress of a service-person is different like this way.

Why is this stress? Everyone wants to lead their life better and comfortable. But it is not possible that everyone will fulfill their all dreams in life; instead of, if we would be happy what we get, then stress will not exist in the world. Demand more and more, give birth of stress.

Be simple and stay simple can keep away stress from life. In earlier age, human life was easy and simple and thus stress was very little in their life. But life is changeable; constant change is also the nature of the nature. Rapidly the surrounding world of us has been changing and we may not be out of it.

Economic globalization is also one of the factors of human-stress. Companies of very sectors have been spreading their business in different parts of the world and creating a massive competition. They have been trying to grab new and new markets and offering their products by very competition price. Thus they have been trying to curtail their administrative and production costs and in most cases they have been retrenching their man-power source and instead of that, they have been using latest automatic equipment which is one time investment only.  Thus the threat of losing job is now a great reason of stress for every service-holder especially in the sector of IT and Insurance and also small industries.
Constant stress leads the human body towards the various chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. and gradually these diseases destroy the inner organs of human-bodies.
How do we be stress-free? Hundred percent stress-free lives are almost impossible. But the regular practice of Yoga- Meditation can reduce the stress of our life. ArunUdaya -Yoga and ArunUdaya –Meditation can reduce stress of life. This is my practical feeling and practice on that feeling.
I personally suggested this name ArunUdaya-Yoga and ArunUdaya- Meditation that I practice regularly and getting good result.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Yoga & Meditation- both are inter-related

Dandayamana Asana-Yoga
In my earlier blogs I have already said that yoga and meditation both are inter-related. Yoga makes human body stronger and Meditation makes human mind stronger. Now the question is how these are two interlinked? The answer is strong Yoga health carries a strong mind.

Once I heard that human body is like a temple and god lives in this temple. So that built up this human body healthy carefully; because, healthy human-beings are the assets of all society and also for the nation.
It is fact that in comparison of physical strength men are stronger than women, this is not the mistake of anyone; the all mighty power has created them like this way. It seems that men will protect women; but in practice what we see; male has been dominating women era after era. Men think that women are their property and they can do anything with them; if we search the history of all human- societies, we will get enough evidence. Just go to Google all-knows search engine and type any human-history; you will get enough evidence of male-dominating history. I am not feminist; but I believe the co-existence of men and women in the society. I believe in inner-power of all men and women that supply us by the all mighty.
Yoga and Meditation are the only solution to improve that inner-power within us. Yoga does not built-up our body like a bodybuilder; it increases the inner strength of the body. The regular practice of yoga keeps us away from almost all chronic diseases.

In my last blog I have written about Virkshapot yoga which leads us towards deep meditation. Now I am telling about the Dandayamana Aasana. What is this Dandayamana Asana? This is very simple at beginning stage.  I have already told about the yoga and meditation normal dresses in my earlier blogs.

Now I am telling about this asana; this is very normal asana for the beginner. Stand straight on your feet; back straight, front straight. Look straight, touch both knees from side; both hands in namaskar mudra, this way stay two-three minutes. Thereafter, hold left side of nose with left hand and take breath through right side of the nose, this way hold right side of the nose and take breath through left side of the nose. Thereafter, hold both sides of the nose with two fingers of one hand and take breath through open mouth. Normal breathing means, oxygen taking up to stomach level and release the same up to stomach level. You will feel stretch in your stomach.

Now you hold the waist strongly by two wrists of hands and slowly and also gradually bent the upper part of the body (up to waist) and count 1 to 10 numbers. 1 to 5 times does this way. Now rise hand up and close your palms like clap mudra; then slowly bent your upper-body first at right direction and then left direction. Thus your body will feel stretch at upper portion of the body and up to stomach and also back portion of the body. This aasana will help to keep good the digestive order of the body, something spine injury and little bit high blood pressure
Dandayamana Asana-Meditation
This Dandayamana Asana is also helpful for meditation. After completing the yoga; stand again straight on feet. Keep two palms close like namaskar mudra. Close eyes; try to collect pieces of mind from every corner and make it one-mind and then concentrate on the forehead with your one-mind and thus try to forget the worthy world. In the earlier stage three-five minutes are enough for meditation through Dandayamana Asana.
After completing the yoga and meditation process through this Dandayamana Asana; lie down on the floor straight and take normal breath. Thus the body will feel relax and free and very comfortable for the day.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Meditation makes mind strong-2

Vriksh-Pot Yoga
Rabia- was a divine female character. She belonged to Middle-East. In my childhood, I heard this story from my grandmama. Rabeya was a slave. She worked very hard, since from the very early morning her work would start and it would be completed at the mid-night. After that, she would get chance to use few hours for herself; after reaching to her hut, she would start her meditation and gradually it would reach to the deepest level of meditation as she would lost her present existence.

One day, her master came to know from his sources that one very special light come out from Rabia’s hut. On hearing this, her master himself went to her hut hidey and opened the door and became surprised to see the heavenly atmosphere. What did her master see in her hut? Rabeya was sitting in very deep meditation and a big circle of bright divine light was reflecting behind of her and that divine light spread in every corner of the hut and even out of that. Thereafter, Rabia’s master set her free from her slave and allowed her to go anywhere as she liked to go.

This story has revealed us the strength of meditation. The power of meditation reached her at the top level of mankind.

It is my believe that all of us are created by supernatural power to reach up to the level of mankind that we can carry the baton of the supernatural power and decorate this universe more and more beautiful that the next generation can use with pride after us.

I believe that the increase of unwanted activities within our society due to the increase of evil power of human mind. Fear is the common weakness of human beings. It resists protesting the evil activities of the society. We can stop all the evil activities that are going on surrounding us daily which has created threat level of atmosphere within our societies.
First of all we have to throw out such fear from our mind and it is possible through strong and regular practice of meditation.

Food is also very effective for constant meditation. Hot food is avoidable. Normal and regular food, fruits are always preferable. These kind of normal foods are very helpful to keep mind peace.

Little empty stomach is also help to keep concentrate the mind. Overeating is not advisable for those who actively do meditation on regular basis. Because, overeating diverts the mind towards the downstream. Little empty stomach helps to easy digestion of food.

Yoga and Meditation, both are inter-related. In ancient age, most of the monks, saints were very good yoga specialist. They had mixed up yoga and meditation together and created a new dimension.  One of such pose is Vriksha-Pot. Virkshapot means stand like a tree. This is a famous asana in yoga. This type of mudra or asana is not easy to practice. In this aasana, the person will stand straight on one leg, then lift two hands up and joint two palm like namaskar mudra, right leg will touch the thai of another leg, face will little up, eyes will keep straight according to face; after that, stand on next leg and do the same. Indian monks, saints would  stand like that way and it is saga  that they would stand like this way year after year and even era after era only to get visit of their worshiped God. From the yoga point of view is this Virkshapot mudra or asana is very helpful for physiques and also digestive and keep formation of abdomen.

Meditation makes mind strong-1


It is undoubtedly truth that healthy mind is the main reason of any society. Now a days, I become very sorry when I go through the every pages of newspaper which are full of unwanted activates especially with ladies of various ages. Nature creates women to make this world very nice and colorful like flowers and men were created to protect the women. Thus the supernatural power thought to keep his world beautiful. Now this picture is entirely different; men are the big threat for the women. I am not saying that, every man is bad; but in most cases, it is fact, especially within those parts of the world where women are strictly dominated by the men. I belong to Asia; this trend is mostly found in this area.

I believe in super natural power which led this universe. I feel the existence of almighty power among all the creation of the world. The best creation of this universe is human-beings and one especial thing that exists in human-beings is intelligence and also mind which led this creation completely different from the other creatures of this world. Human-beings are society based since from the beginning of the creation of life on this earth. They would work together, they would hunt together, they would live together, and they would protect each other from other dangerous animals, etc. I believe that the mind is the main thing that leads a human-being towards good or towards bad. Good mind can create a good society where the almighty power exists and evil mind can destroy the society with its all values.

Mind control is the best remedy to make this world heavenly. Control of mind of oneself is not easy tusk. It needs tireless practice of yoga and meditation. Normally, the position of human mind is very freckle and as I said in my earlier blogs that mind is very faster than other faster thing of this world. Mind has no barrier or limitation to move or think whatever it likes and compel oneself to act according to thought.
Now the question is arise, what to do now?  It is fact that every human being carries two minds, one is good-mind and another is evil-mind. Both minds always exist with every human being.  When the good mind leads a human being, that human is called good-man; when the evil mind leads a human being, that human is called bad-man.

Meditation is the method to develop the good-mind within us. Such good mind leads us up to the stage of Uttaran (uplift of mind). When a human being reach to this level of Uttaran, then such human-being calls Uttam-Manab or Manabi (Divine Man/Woman). When other human-beings come to the touch of such divine man/woman; they also become divine soles.