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Keep Walking |
First- walk a step and fold your keen from back and hold by one hand and try to bring the folded leg up to the waist and count in mind 1 to 5 and leave it.Walk a step and do the same with another leg. Thus the muscles of waist will be relaxed. Second- Walk few steps and throw your leg strait one after another. Thus your hamstring muscles will be stretched.
Third- Walk few steps and hold your leg from feet and stretch it from back one after another.Thus your thighs muscles will be stretched . One minute speedy-walk-second minute slow-walk- theory is more effective than long-walking . Walking and stretching together as said earlier is very effective and keep the health fit and healthy.
Forth- Takes interval of such walks; sit on grass of the park with folding legs from knee and put your hand on the toes of your legs and bent your body and count 1 to 5, then relax . After that , hold you both hands from back and round it left to right direction and right to left direction.
Fifth- Again start walk likes one minute speedy-walk-second minute slow-walk theory . Now the question is that what kind of relief we can get keeps walking ! Walking nearly 150 to 200 minutes per week can prevent the risk of diabetes more or less 58 per cent and weight loss about 7 per cent.
Sixth-3 hours walking per week can prevent the risk of heart attack nearly thirty-five per cent.
Seventh-1.5 to 2.0 hours walking per week is good for brain.
Eighth-1 mile walking per day is help to keep the bone density intact.
Ninth-30 minutes of walk daily can reduce the depression up to 40 to 50 per cent and also increase our respiratory fitness .
Tenth-Moreover , this 30 minute walking per day can also reduce our cholesterol. The Regular walking can keep our physical function normal and prevent us to a maximum level from the risk of various diseases.
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